When we were asked to participate in a fabric low-to no sew project, I
have to admit... I was hesitant. I don't sew. I mean, at all, as in
never. I'm always up for a challenge, so I raised my hand and said...
"Me, Me, Me! I'll do it." Then the book came, and as I browsed through
Amanda Carestio "Never Been Stitched" book, I thought... I just might
be able to do this!

I thumbed through the pages, there were lots and lots of fun, creative
projects. I specifically chose one that said "NO SEW".
I decided upon pillows made from placemats! How clever is that?!?!

And here is my NO SEW Pretty Placemat Pillow! I did it! I made something with fabric and it looks pretty darned cute!
Check out the Thermoweb blog for details on how to make these super simple throw pillows!