Some of you follow my Project 365 blog, but for those of you who don't, I thought I'd post my weekly layouts. I've decided to do them digitally, two pages for each week. I stick to one color scheme per month. This is just to date of January.. (and yes... I'm growing tired of this set of colors). For those of you who may not know what a project 365 is, it's a challenge to take a photo a day for 365 days and document it. I am blogging as well as making layouts for a book. Anyway.. I thought since I haven't been posting many cards/layouts lately, I'd post my digital ones as that's where I've been spending my free time lately. If you're interested in my Project 365 blog, click HERE or you can click my link on the sidebar. You can double click any image to see it larger.

Thanks for sharing your day with me