I finally finished my Girls Weekend 2009 mini album. Thought I'd share with everyone, this is picture heavy! lol Between the four of us we had over 600 photos! WHEW!
Day one... SHOPPING.. I believe these particular photos are Hobby Lobby. We were armed with COUPONS!

After shopping, off to Hacienda for Margaritas!!! Wooohoo! Guess What? Robyn Loves Strawberry Margaritas! Who knew!!?

After lunch, it was back to the house for Strawberry Daq's and a little rest time before our big night out.

Here we are all ready for our night on the town... we talked my daughter into taking photos... she kept saying.. "MOM, YOUR EYES!".. lol

OK... so here we all in all our glory... we had soo much fun! A lot of classmates joined us, sorry for the glare on the photos

OK.. just for the record, I posed for that picture, I was not really singing... (well not in that picture anyway!) lol

On the train headed to Chicago... can you tell we kinda had too much fun the night before.. all I can say is it was a LOOONNNNGGGG train ride!

We had lunch at the top of the Hancock Building (the Signature Room)... Robyn took this awesome picture from up there.. you can see the whole city from the women's BATHROOM!