Well, I decided it's high time I learn this Photoshop Elements program that I have on my computer, which has been taunting me.. "Lorrie.. you don't know how to use this... you never will... it's complicated..!"... well today the voices were quiet enough and I was just brave enough to sign up for some online classes.. I ran it by our fellow messageboarder.. "MyaMagoo" who is fantastic at Photoshop.. and she thought I could do it.. so here is my first week one project... (it's totally step by step.. so I just did what she told me.. no design credit here... the lesson gives you the paper, the elements and where to put them.. all part of the learning the tools).. anyway.. I was thrilled to be learning to use this program.. turns out it's no so scary afterall!... (PS.. for those of you worrying.. no, I really don't hear voices... as long as you don't count the shopping ones... lol)