A group of classmates and I have started a new tradition, we gather for a weekend and have a Girls Night Out Weekend. One comes from Florida, One from Chicago, One from a small town about an hour away and the other three of us are local. We spend a night one night going to our old stomping grounds to meet up with more classmates and friends, then we take a day to do girly stuff, last year we went and got pedicures, went to a winery, a bit of shopping.. this year We've decided to take a train ride into Chicago and spend the day shopping, eating and seeing the sights. Anyway (I got sidetracked) at the end of our weekend, of course we have all these photos, last year we did a "Speed Scrap" session on the last day and made mini books to take home as momentos of our weekend, this year I thought I'd try the bia.. here's what I came up with - I did not embellish them as I thought that each girl would embellish her own, but here's the basic book